Sunday Link Roundup 3/6/2022


When something is posted on a Monday but should have appeared on a Sunday, the only appropriate solution is to backdate it, and so it has been done. It is surprising to me as well, that I have not quite mentioned much of the human being as an ecosystem, as a holobiont even though it has increasingly taken on a great deal of my thinking especially with the excellent Ascent of Information.

This is a gap that has sustained itself much too long, surely. But first, corpse-eating as an ecosystem.

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Sunday Links Roundup 2/27/2022

Where this all began

If the value of thought is its ability to create and add value to our lives and lives of others, then it is paramount importance to discover what tools assist us with “having better thoughts”, but to further understand this, is the notion that we can only manage what we can measure, and we can only measure what we can at least begin to understand.

So, then, what is the process of thought to creation?

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The laws of motion and productivity

There is something compelling when the laws of psychology and the laws of physics meet in twain and run in parallel: what stays in motion remains in motion, but once an action is stopped, so it does remain stopped.

A Hermetic would find this parallel fitting: as above, so below

It applies to productivity, to blog-writing, and as it would seem, to non-blog writing as well.

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Other Minds: The Octopus, The Sea and the Deep Origins of Consciousness – a longread, part three

This is the third part of a longread of this book. If you’re looking for earlier parts, please refer to the first and second parts.

So far, we’ve covered the Cambian and we have discovered life has discovered predation, with the natural result of having a body that can either inflict or evade damage via the structure of a bilateral body, and we’ve begun to discuss the nature of a mind that processes what can be dangerous.

But let’s take a quick step back and observe, as it might be, of what brings about the creation of a response system, and in that way, actually being to embody what mind can be. This is highly theoretical, but the idea is nonetheless compelling.

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Other Minds: The Octopus, The Sea and the Deep Origins of Consciousness – a longread, part two

We left the last part considering the very basic nature of action – how is it that we can do anything at all, such as lift a hand and turn a finger, let alone the deeper and more complex considerations of “see a target and throw a ball at it?”

Where has this all come from originally, this capacity for action which ultimately, as it would have to be, a capacity for communication between different parts of an organism? Godfrey-Smith suggests that it is in fact, even with some of the simplest and smallest forms of life, this already is demonstrated in a substantial capacity.

Even in the earliest work on E. coli, though, it seemed that something else was going on. They were also attracted to chemicals they could not eat….This may not sound like much, but it opens an important door. Once the same chemicals are being sensed and produced, there is the possibility of coordination between cells. We have reached the birth of social behavior

We do not usually think of clumps of bacteria as societies. And yet, in many ways, they are – even beings firmly without anything resembling a brain nonetheless have to survive through coordination. This might seem like spontaneous action, but it is spontaneity with purpose, and it can reveal itself in surprisingly complex behavior.

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Friday Links Roundup 2/4/2022

Supernormal attractors and plastic birds

The Internet is a sea of quite endless information, most of it trivia which is quite diverting – perhaps too diverting from actually useful sources of information. A combination of factors, I think – both commercialization as well as the politicization of information has made most legacy media less than useful as a source of pointers.

Here, instead, I submit my own humble collection of discoveries to spam.

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Other Minds: The Octopus, The Sea and the Deep Origins of Consciousness – a longread, part one

I was originally inspired to read this book thanks to an excellent recommendation by a friend – given the awareness of the intelligence and cognitive faculties of the animals that share this world with us, how exactly do they comprehend the world, what is this notion of “comprehension” of the world and what, if anything, does it tell us about the humanity and our own comprehension of the universe?

Perhaps one way to begin to understand the intellectual capabilities of something that is very capable of solving the many hurdles and challenges that we see as intelligent – and octopi are indeed incredibly capable of solving puzzles and finding innovative solutions to the daily challenges of feeding, fighting and breeding in their environment and yet they are absurdly alien to us in the way that they comprehend and process knowledge, with as if they had brains in their boneless arms and with evanescent lifespans that seem quite ill-matched for the cognitive faculties that they have.

They are indeed, truly alien and yet Godfrey-Smith describes them in such entrancing and endearing terms that one comes to truly relate to them, to love them, and in doing so, conveys a very full novel sense of understanding of well, understanding.

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A foray, a stumble, a blog

Calvin & Hobbes - Last minute panic thumbnail

I’ve been writing for a long time. Mostly they are comments in other sites, ramblings online in the great mass of chat, or sometimes even more directed essays that unfortunately scramble up the peace of those who are unfortunate enough to be on my contact list.

So perhaps there is a virtue now, if only to spare those on my contact list, to ramble now more formally in this pattern of a “blog.” What do I hope to write about? Well, there are some interests of mine, and these should present themselves primarily in future posts:

  • Reading notes and book commentaries – one of my primary interests has been reading and as per the tagline of the site, I write of reading. This will have an additional feature of an endeavor this year as I’m hoping to read 50 books this year.
  • Software exploration and coding projects – As a regular open source contributor with a great deal of love for the idea of open source, I plan on writing quite a bit more on my work for Cataclysm. I am also an active participant for the Ascent of Ashes game, and I imagine that I’ll write a bit on that here as well.
  • Productivity and experiments – when in doubt, I like to try things. As they say, no effort to wasted: you can always be held up as a bad example. I am truly the worst type of example indeed, and I hope to live up to this ongoing as I publish my various reports: so far, I’ve tried water fasting, and the protein-limited fasting with meaningful results. What else will I get to try? We’ll have to see!
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